Presumably, this is due to repeated frivilous calls, or a Noodle Incident.

Accidental Bid: In "The Auction," the girls try to bid on a painting by Jasper DeKimmel, as he is dying of a rare blood disorder and they believe that his demise will increase the value of his work.Blanche has it dry-cleaned and tries to return it, but the store employees aren't fooled. Her plan backfires when Dorothy accidentally spills something on the dress. Abuse of Return Policy: Blanche carefully removes the tags from a dress so she can wear it and return it later.They eventually revived the idea with their brother Angelo. Aborted Arc: The second appearance of Sophia's sister Angela had her move to Miami with the obvious intention of having her as a recurring Drop-In Character, but that became impossible when Nancy Walker became ill and couldn't continue.The Golden Tropes: Tropes with their own page These flashback episodes always centered on a theme, such as birthdays, moneymaking schemes, or bad dates. Over seven years, The Golden Girls featured four hour-long clip shows and at least ten shows made up of multiple original flashbacks. And many episodes dealt with the women's love lives, since all four were portrayed as sexually active.
Throughout the years the series covered topics as diverse as homelessness, AIDS, homosexuality, transvestism, prescription pill addiction, sexual harassment, interracial love, assisted suicide, and poor elder care. Like many sitcoms from The '80s and The '90s, The Golden Girls confronted numerous social issues, but with special attention paid to groups rarely covered by other programs, such as the elderly and the LGBT community. It also spun off another long-running sitcom, Empty Nest. It was followed by the After Show Golden Palace on CBS, which had the characters (save for Dorothy) operating a hotel together and ran for one unspectacular season.

Blanche Devereaux ( Rue McClanahan): A man-crazy Southern Belle socialite from Georgia, who owns the house.
Four women over fifty (although good luck getting Blanche to admit it)-three widows and one divorcee-sharing a house and having misadventures in life and love.